Together we find personalities
for your key positions.

Together we find
personalities for
your key positions
Textile Competence End2End
You are looking for competent personalities for…
Textile Competence End2End
You are looking for competent personalities for…

…your 3D development or for the digitalisation of your supply chain,

…the management of your company or supply chain,

…the management of your weaving, knitting or finishing,

… your product development of dyes or your distribution of auxiliaries,

… your service department or technical development of textile machines,

…your corporate responsibility or purchasing department,

…your product development in the field of medical textiles or seat covers,

…your product development in the field of medical textiles or seat covers,
…then we should talk.

…your 3D development or for the digitalisation of your supply chain,

…the management of your company or supply chain,

…the management of your weaving, knitting, finishing or nonwovens production,

… your product development of dyes or your distribution of auxiliaries,

… your service department or technical development of textile machines,

…your corporate responsibility or purchasing department,

…your production site abroad or your domestic testing laboratory,

…your development in the field of medical or filter textiles or seat covers,
…then we should talk. Get in touch
Search and win personalities for your key positions

The success of a company has always been made by its employees. The personality, competence and motivation of these people is what every organisation needs for its success, the preservation of its competitiveness and its further development. Therefore, employees are the most important capital of a company. The added value of my consulting services is based on 30 years of experience in the textile sector, extensive know-how and sustainable networks. I am familiar with the business and the general conditions in the textile industry, know the daily challenges of the decision-makers, which is why I can help you finding the right people for your key positions – reliably, promptly and unerringly.
I accompany you intensively and personally throughout the entire recruiting process as your sole contact person – this is the core of my philosophy. I personally provide all services from the joint development of the search profile to the creation of meaningful candidate profiles and the joint selection with regard to interviews, so that no details are lost.
Search and win personalities for your key positions

The success of a company has always been made by its employees. The personality, competence and motivation of these people is what every organisation needs for its success, the preservation of its competitiveness and its further development. Therefore, employees are the most important capital of a company. The added value of my consulting services is based on 30 years of experience in the textile sector, extensive know-how and sustainable networks. I am familiar with the business and the general conditions in the textile industry, know the daily challenges of the decision-makers, which is why I can help you finding the right people for your key positions – reliably, promptly and unerringly.
I accompany you intensively and personally throughout the entire recruiting process as your sole contact person – this is the core of my philosophy. I personally provide all services from the joint development of the search profile to the creation of meaningful candidate profiles and the joint selection with regard to interviews, so that no details are lost.